Wednesday, September 17, 2014

“Comfort for Christians”


Session One: Guilt

Read Isaiah 40:1-2

For the next few weeks, we’ll be looking at practical ways that the Gospel comforts the believer.  We do that in a general sense WHENEVER we open the pages of Scripture, but we’re going to do it very purposefully and in practical ways. 

Of course, many Scriptures and promises will be repeated often – since they apply constantly.  Some are quite specific to a certain situation.  They are good Scriptures to keep in mind – for us and for others.  But you are ENCOURAGED to offer your own verses, to ADD to the Scriptures offered each week! 

And of course, while we’re going to focus only on the Gospel, we all know there is a “flip side” – the Law.  We’ll touch on that from time to time, not nothing more.  Gospel CAN be abused and actually become harmful (drinking too much water can kill you!).  But we’ll try to keep a RIGHT use in view.

“I Have Sinned!”

“Sin” is no longer a common word in the English language.  Not even in a lot of churches.  It’s hardly ever used in books or songs or films; it hardly appears in common English uses at all.  Even 20th and 21st Century sermons and hymns rarely mention it.  

In the Judeo-Christian world, the concepts of original sin and total depravity were once SO deeply ingrained, so completely assumed, that it was constantly stated, strongly and universally felt.  “That saved a WRETCH like me” John Newton wrote 200+ years ago in the now ancient hymn, “Amazing Grace.”  This kind of talk was common!   In this milieu, guilt is understandable!  Maybe unavoidable.

Times have changed.  The worldview is now post-Christian.  The common view of man is “I’m okay, you’re okay.”  We are fundamentally good – not perfect, but good. Yes, we struggle and slip up at times, we communicate poorly at times, we are misunderstood and our needs are often misunderstood.  This can lead to good people making bad choices.  In THIS mindset, there may be regret of sorts – but even that is just relative (heck, everyone else makes still worse choices!) and the “fault” for such really isn’t personal but communal.  “The prideful have no sins – except for pride.”  Think of the films, books and songs of the past 50 years; with the exception of some Country songs perhaps (!), is there much guilt?  Some people sense no NEED for comfort in this area because they sense no sin on their part.  We’ll leave it at that since THAT is a Law issue - they need the Law to tell them what they are, what they do and how serious that is…

For many of US, guilt remains REAL because sin remains REAL.  We didn’t stop sinning in the middle of the 20th century.  We still do.  As much as ever.  And it’s PERSONAL, and it’s PAINFUL, and it’s HURTFUL, and it STINKS. 

It manifests itself in a plethora of ways.  Anger.  Depression.  Isolation.  Violence.  Accusative spirit.  Negativity.  Self-destructive behaviors.  A lot of different ways….

Alice had suffered from depression for some 50 years, since her mid-twenties.  All this began shortly after she married Jim, but it grew steadily worse.  Jim stood by her (even though the “worse” part of the vows was outweighing the “better” part of that).  They had two sons, and they too stood by her (although she was increasingly difficult to live with, and functionally stopped being much of a mother when they were still pretty young).  At first, just being cheerful and keeping her busy at least kept her functioning.  Then some medication was added, and that helped.  Then regular, weekly appointments with a counselor were added.  But in her late 50’s, it became all consuming.  She rarely left the house.  She became critical and negative. One-by-one, friendships were strained past the breaking point.  She ate – and put on over 200 pounds.  Fortunately, she didn’t drink.  Finally, at the age of 75, she agreed to be placed in an institution, a “loony farm” as Alice called it.  In one of the groups, a young lady spoke of an abortion, and cried.  Alice broke down in loud tears, and not for the young lady.   Shortly after Alice and Jim were married, she became pregnant.  They planned on not having children for a while, until Jim got out of the Army – and she felt she let Jim down by becoming pregnant.  Her hairdresser gave her the name and phone number of someone who’d take care of that.  She had “lived” with that for 50 years (“lived?).  Nonetheless, ultimately, Alice was one of the fortunate ones.  She was forgiven.  Including by her.

How did guilt manifest itself in Alice?

What finally helped Alice?

How have you witnessed guilt in people’s lives?  Have you had experience trying to help them?

Alice was forgiven, and she forgave herself.  Do these stories always have a happy ending?

Read Psalm 51 (so do including the heading in the ESV)

Recall the story of David and Bathsheba….

David repented only after Nathan almost tricked him into seeing his fault – but he did see it!  How does this Psalm reveal his sorrow and his faith?

Do you think David found healing in forgiveness?



Read John 8:1-11

While the text doesn’t expressly say it, Jesus’ handling of this suggests the woman was sorry.  What seems to be Jesus’ point to the accusers? 

What two important things do you think Jesus is saying in His counsel to the woman?

Read Luke 7:36-50

How do we know this woman is sorry?

What is the view of the “holy” people toward her?

What is the point of Jesus’ parable?

How is Jesus’ advice to this woman similar to the other?

Of course, this account also shows the need to respond to guilt with forgiveness!   Read Matthew 18:21-35, Matthew 11:25-26, Luke 6:37-42, Luke 11:4

If you can, tell of a time when you felt forgiven…

Read the following verses.   Write down what comfort this gives….

Isaiah1:18 _________________________________________________________________

Micah7:19 _________________________________________________________________

John3:16-17 ___________________________________________________________________

Psalm103:10-12 __________________________________________________________________

Psalm130:3-4 ___________________________________________________________________

John8:36 ___________________________________________________________________

Romans3:23-24 ___________________________________________________________________

2Corinthians5:21 ___________________________________________________________________

Ephesians4:32 ___________________________________________________________________

Colossians1:13-14 ___________________________________________________________________

1John1:8-9 _________________________________________________________

1John2:2 ___________________________________________________________________

Psalm32:5 ___________________________________________________________________

Psalm34:18 ___________________________________________________________________

Matthew11:28-30 ___________________________________________________________________

Luke15:10 __________________________________________________________________

Acts10:43 __________________________________________________________________

Colossians3:13 __________________________________________________________________

1 Timothy 1:15 __________________________________________________________________

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