Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Gifts & Abilities 7/21/2013

We came to grow, support and praise!   We continued our look at one of Jesus' best known parables, the Parable of the Good Samaritan.  We discussed practical APPLICATIONS of his point, in daily living, for each of us in our own "setting" with our own "gifts and abilities".                                                

Pastor Dr. Allen Kolkman

Sunday, July 21, 2013

What is Discipleship?

How do we measure discipleship? It is relatively easy to measure church attendance, giving, or small group participation, but how do we measure church members becoming more like Christ?   Church activity doesn’t necessarily lead to fully devoted followers of Christ, but are there activities we can measure to help our congregation grow?

Here’s a suggestion for six vital areas that point to a growing disciple:
·         Serving in a local church. Church attendance without service does not grow me as a disciple. To grow I have to serve generously with my time, talent and treasure.
·         Praying consistently.  This is so obvious that it seems to get overlooked.  A growing disciple follows Jesus’ pattern of consistent, heartfelt prayer.
·         Reading the Bible daily.  Separate studies by the Willow Creek Association and Lifeway on discipleship came to the same conclusion; the single biggest factor in growing as a disciple is reading the Bible every day. It’s the magic pill of discipleship.
·         Engaging in biblical community.  Discipleship throughout the Bible is always in context of community. Being in a small group does not guarantee discipleship, but not being in biblical community prevents it.
·         Actively involved in missional outreach.  Biblical disciples engage in Kingdom transformation in their home, their community and their world.
·         Developing other disciples.  Jesus final command was very clear, Go make disciples. Every growing disciple of Christ develops other disciples.

                                                                                                           Joyce Roberts

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Defining Love 7/14/2013

Great worship, great fellowship, great teaching, great to spend time with the Lord and His people!   The message was the first of a two part look at one of the best known parables of Jesus:  The Good Samaritan.  We looked - in practical ways - at the issue of "neighbor" and how Jesus defined "love."  We continue looking at this parable next Sunday.                    
                                                                                  Dr Allen Kolkman, Pastor

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Shocking Twist 7/7/2013

  We focused on Luke 18:9-14, one of the great stories of Jesus - told with His typical, shocking TWIST at the end (that makes His point). Our FAITH (and the resulting attitude) has a HUGE impact on our relationship with God (and thus our ultimate destination - shocking as that may be) AND our relationship with others (right here, right now).  It's a call for us to check our heart, our faith, our attitude!
                                                                                         Dr. Allen Kolkman, Pastor

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"SEIZE THE DAY! 6/30/2013

   With a bit of thought to Juneteenth and the Fourth of July, we looked at our Epistle Reading - Galatians 5:1,13-25.  This celebrates Jesus as the Great Emancipator, the Great Liberator, the One who freed us from slavery, the One who made us free (at GREAT personal cost).  We explored the slavery of which Paul speaks - and life as a slave, we looked at HOW and WHY Christ set us free - as the Savior and Liberator, and we especially looked at life now as FREED men, women, boys and girls.  Embracing Paul's call to "SEIZE THE DAY!"  To embrace our new status and privileges and "rights."    Church attendance:  36 (no 5th Sunday last June).  We had no first time local guests.  We enjoyed the A/C (because it was pretty hot already at 10:00).  Lois Taylor supplied our altar flowers.  We also included a "Organist Appreciation" event, giving thanks to Joyce as our minsiter of music and choir director.
                                                                                  Dr. Allen Kolkman, Pastor